PADA 17 oktober lalu, mommy berangkat ke Israel selama sepekan. Ia ke sana tepat sehari setelah pulang dari acara mudik di Yogya.
Israel negara yang masih kontroversi bagi sebagian warga Indonesia. Tim tennis Indonesia tahun lalu sampe membatalkan pertandingannya melawan Israel. Pasukan Perdamaian Indonesia yang dikirim dengan bendera PBB juga tersendat-sendat keberangkatannya, antara lain karena ditentang Israel.
Indonesia memang masih belum menjalin hubungan diplomatik dengan negara di Timur Tengah itu.
Tapi, turis Indonesia tiap tahun yang ke Yerusalem, ribuan jumlahnya. Yerusalem merupakan kota suci tiga agama: Islam, Kristen-Katholik, Yahudi. Di Masjidil Aqsha nabi Muhammad mengalami peristiwa spiritual amat penting dalam Isra Mikraj. Yesus Kristus, diyakini dimakamkan di Yerusalem. Dinding ratapan, salah satu tempat suci kaum Yahudi, ada di Yerusalem.
Maka, ketika mendapat undangan untuk berkunjung ke Yerusalem, mommy langsung mengiyakan. Apalagi, mendapat kesempatan salat di masjidil Aqsha merupakan anugerah tersendiri. Ini merupakan tempat suci yang diagungkan, selain Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi.
Berikut ini adalah berita kunjungan mommy dan kawan-kawannya, yang dimuat di Yerusalem Post. Cerita perjalanan mommy rencananya dimuat terpisah.
Nine Senior Indonesian Journalists Visit to Israel
Calev Ben-David ,
Indonesian anchorwoman Metuya Hafid hosted an on-air discussion last year with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. "I have to say he spoke very impressively and seemed to win over our audience," said Hafid.
This week the petite presenter for Metro TV Newsis getting her very first look at the nation Ahmadinejad would like to see wiped off the map; Hafid is here as a participant in a ground-breaking first visit to Israel by a group of top Indonesian journalists.
Although Israel has no diplomatic relations with Indonesia, it has long maintained unofficial ties with the world's most populous Muslim nation (238.5 million).
Several Israeli officials have made brief visits there, and former Indonesian president Abdurrahman Wahid was an outspoken advocate of normalizing relations.
But despite reports of covert security and economic cooperation between Jakarta and Jerusalem, Indonesia has thus far refused to even permit the opening of joint trade offices, and no Indonesian correspondent reports from here.
"We would probably need to see a final-status agreement between Israel and the Palestinians before full diplomatic relations are permitted," said Bambang Harymurti, editor-in-chief of Tempo Weekly magazine.
He is one of eight journalists in the group brought here through the joint efforts of the Australian Israel & Jewish Affairs Committee (AIJAC) and the American Jewish Committee.
"This is part of our continuing efforts to bring here individuals of influence from southeast Asian nations, some of which, such as Indonesia, as yet have no official relations with Israel," said Dr. Colin Rubenstein, executive director of AIJAC, who accompanied the group.
"With Indonesia, we are helped by the fact that there is intense cooperation now between Australia and Indonesia on all levels, including the fight against terrorism. There has also been a liberalization process in Indonesia that includes a freer and more diverse media there, which includes, in some cases, presenting a more nuanced, accurate picture of the situation in the Middle East."
Nonetheless, Rubenstein added, arranging the journalists' visit was a complex undertaking, done in consultation with Indonesians such as Wahid, and with what he called the "tacit approval" of the authorities. Still, he said that some media outlets refused to come.
One who jumped at the chance was Endy Bayuni, editor-in-chief of the English-language Jakarta Post.
"There is new thinking in Indonesia, including in the government, about upgrading relations with Israel," said Bayuni, "although that always generates negative reactions from the extreme Islamic politicians. But Israelis are quietly doing business with Indonesians, and in places like Bali you can see Israeli flags openly displayed in tourist stores or restaurants."
The Jakarta Post, he added, regularly ran columns by Emanuel Shahaf, a former Israeli diplomat to southeast Asia.
Since arriving Thursday, the Indonesians have met with several Israeli and Palestinian officials, including Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, who told them that the pace of normalization of relations between Muslim nations such as Indonesia and Israel should follow the quickening pace of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.On Sunday the group went on an all-day guided helicopter tour conducted by The Israel Project, which took them from Sderot up to the Golan Heights.
They were especially interested in the situation on the Lebanese border, since last year a group of 1,000 Indonesian soldiers joined the enlarged multinational peacekeeping force put into place in southern Lebanon after the end of the Second Lebanon War.
The Israeli approval for Indonesia's participation was in and of itself a sign of relations warming "under-the-radar," as Jerusalem had earlier said it would not okay any Arab or Muslim countries with whom it did not have open relations.
"There is a lot of interest in Indonesia about how those troops are doing," said Bayuni, "especially since one of the soldiers is the son of our current president, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono."
The visit has been an eye-opening experience for some of the journalists. "Frankly, before coming here I thought of Israel as something of a police state," said Harymuti, "but you probably see more police and soldiers on the streets of Jakarta."
At the end of their helicopter tour of the country, all the Indonesian journalists had the same reaction, one perhaps not surprising from citizens of a nation formed out of some 17,500 islands stretching out over 5,000 km. "Israel," concluded Harymuti, "is a small country."
"yom tov" (have a great day)
Kata Israel memang sangat menarik..
Kata israel apabila terdengar di kuping saya selalu berkaitan dengan perang, menakutkan, dan yang paling sering lagi hal "Agama".
Kita selalu mendengar berita mengenai israel selalu berkaitan dengan konflik kekuasaan dan perang yang tak kunjung terselesaikan.
Beberapa teman saya bertanya kepada saya, "ngapain ke israel, berperang?, ada juga bertanya, mau jihad? dan lainnya.
Apa yang saya perkirakan mengenai keadaan yang menakutkan itu tidak sama seperti yang saya rasakan selama berada di israel (sampai saat ini).
Mengenai kerukunan agama,disini memiliki agama yang berbeda tetapi hidup rukun dan membaur, apalagi pada saat saya berkunjung ke Yerusalem (old city) yang dibagi menjadi 4 distrik/wilayah (distrik timur bagi jewish, distrik utara bagi Muslim, distrik barat bagi kristen dan distrik selatan Armanian) yang berbada dan hidup membaur layaknya bersaudara.
Hal perkembangan ekonomi? mungkin bisa di katakan lebih maju di kawasan Timur tengah dan berpemerintahan Demokrasi.
Banyak hal mengenai sejarah yang terjadi di timur tengah yang begitu sangat menarik dan sangat komplex yang tidak pernah saya dan mungkin sebagian besar warga kita mengetahuinya.
Dan benar sekali dan setuju bahwa setiap jalan di israel tidak banyak polisi atau tentara yang berkeliaran seperti di jakarta.
Dan mungkin Kita tidak memusuhi siapapun tetapi mencoba ikut andil dalam hal perdamaian di timur tengah dan di bumi.
Banyak hal yang ingin saya sampaikan dengan pengalaman saya disini.....
sekian dulu dan ketemu lagi di komen saya berikutnya/
Saya dan rombongan yg ber jumlah 16orang baru saja kembali dari perjalanan ziarah kami ke Kota Suci or Holy Land Yerusalem. Seperti yg di tulis oleh Mbak memang benar sekali bahwa di Yerusalem atau Israel tidak ada peperangan dan lainya, di sana sangat aman, nyaman dan mendatangkan sukacita bagi Umat Kristiani yg berkunjung. Semoga pengalaman pribadi saya ini membuka hati Umat Kristiani untuk dapat berkunjung ke kota Suci Yerusalem tempat dimana kita dapat melihat perjalanan suci Yesus Kristus
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